Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dying to live, Living to die.

Almost everything is pointing to me being able to attend college this coming semester :-). I'm currently looking for employment so I don't have to take out any student loans. Cheap community colleges for the win.

I'm currently living in a one-bedroom apartment with my parents, having a really uncomfortable sofa-bed to sleep in. But, I'm really grateful. Denver is beautiful. There's a lake literally a mile away from the house, and a nice little trail for bikes, horses and I can take my dog Lexi on it, which she seems to love. I'm feeling very hopeful for the future. Las Vegas had seemed to drain the life out of me, and it was an almost physical release when we finally moved.

I feel much more relaxed and at ease with myself. I've lost alot of friends this past year, but I gained an invaluable one. I realized my dad has been there for almost every hard time I went through. It was weird talking to him after graduating high school, he was an almost entirely different person. He talked to me like I was a friend, not as a child. It was comforting to have him believe in me, when not alot of people had. I was never really close to my family after about the age of 16, with me trying to be independent and all that. My brother and I drifted apart, I was losing alot of friends, and my other two siblings I had nothing in common with. I looked to my dad as a person who fed me and clothed me, but I really found the man behind the symbol of patriarch this past year. He's brilliant. He believed in me when I went through things I would've otherwise just given up on. I'm ashamed of how selfish I was for awhile there. It never occured to me that he was there with me, going through the same exact things. I am forever in debt to him. I'm glad we're on a different, and more hopeful, track. I found myself this past year, really. And he's helped me analyze who I wish to be when I grow gray with age.

This was a whole lot of rambling, but if you stayed with it, Thanks :-P

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